Last Update: August 9th, 2021
Alexander Bain Biography – Fax Machine Inventor & Clockmaker
Arthur Korn Biography – Fax Machine Inventor and Television Experimenter
Biographies of People who Invented Fax Technology
Black Fax – Disabling of a Fax Machine
Brother Fax Machines – Home, Small Office, and Workgroup
Canon Fax Machines – Office and Workgroup
Edouard Belin Biography – Fax and Belinographe Inventor
eFax Online Fax Service Review
eFax vs RingCentral Online Fax Comparison
eFax vs. Nextiva Internet Fax Service
Fax Machine Support – Resources and Contact Information
Fax Modems – Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask
Fax Software – Convert a computer to a fax machine
Frederick Bakewell Biography – Image Telegraph Inventor
Fultograph – Invented by Otto Fulton
Giovanni Caselli Biography – Pantelegraph and Fax Inventor
Herbert E. Ives Biography – Color Fax Inventor and Ives-Stilwell Theorist
How a Fax Machine Works – From Start to Finish
How to fax a PDF (send a PDF to a fax number or machine)
How to fax from a VoIP phone (such as Skype, Vonage, Magic Jack, or Google Voice)
How to fax from Google (Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Drive)
How to fax from Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, and more)
How to fax internationally – Calling & Dialing Codes
How to fax to an email address
How to fix a paper jam in a fax machine – steps to fix your jammed fax
How to get a fax number – toll free, local, or online
How to send a fax from a computer, fax machine, or online
How to send and receive a fax from a smartphone (or tablet)
How to send or receive a fax from a Blackberry
How to send or receive a fax from a Windows 7 PC
How to send or receive a fax from a Windows 8 or 8.1 PC
How to send or receive a fax from a Windows phone or tablet
How to send or receive a fax from a Windows Vista PC
How to send or receive a fax from a Windows XP PC
How to send or receive a fax from an Android phone or tablet
How to send or receive a fax from an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch (iOS Device)
How to send or receive a fax form Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Chrome OS, and other distributions)
How to send or receive a fax without a fax machine or land line phone
How to use a fax machine – set up, sending, receiving, features, and common problems
HP fax machines – personal, home, small business, and workgroup fax
Junk fax – resources and regulation
Linux and open source online faxing
MyFax internet fax service review
MyFax vs eFax fax service comparison
Nextiva Fax vs. RingCentral fax service comparison
Nextiva online fax service review
Online fax guide & internet fax reviews
Online fax services – Canada – local, toll free, billing, and more
Online fax services – reviews and comparisons of online and internet based faxing services
Online fax services – UK – sending, receiving, local, and freephone services
Online fax services for Mac OS X – sending, receiving, and faxing
Richard H. Ranger Biography – Inventor of the Wireless Photoradiogram
Ricoh fax machines – Home Office, Small Office, Workgroup Fax
RingCentral fax vs. MyFax fax service comparison
RingCentral online fax service review
Rudolf Hell Biography – inventor of the Hellschreiber
Sending and receiving faxes with Mac OS X
Shelford Bidwell Biography – Inventor of Telephotography
Telautograph – Invented by Elisha Gray
The history of fax – from 1843 to present day
The Pantelegraph – invented by Giovanni Caselli
What are the past, present, and future tenses of “fax”?
Where can I send a fax? local, online, in store, and other options
Why does my fax machine not work with my VoIP phone line?
St. Louis judge asked to approve $1.6 million ‘junk fax’ class action settlement
Could fax be the smoking gun for voter fraud in a Sydney suburb?
50% of large global companies still communicate with suppliers through phone, email, and fax
Could a hacker be fined under junk fax law for printer trolling?
Nova Scotia spa has been receiving mental health records for over a decade
Check your preprogrammed area code 919 (North Carolina – Durham and Surrounding Areas)
Court rules company liable for fax spam sent on their behalf
Latest fax scam involves fake DOT asking for procurements
Firefighters in Detroit rigging fax machine rube goldberg machines
$16M fax voilatoin lawsuit resolved by the FCC
FCC confirming opt-out notice requirements to all fax advertisements
Indian Tsunami warnings in 10-20 minutes
Fax misuse responsible for murder suspect going free
Certification granted to class action lawsuit against MetLife for unsolicited faxes
Israeli bill would make alternatives to fax mandatory
Court rules that insurer is off the hook for a junk fax settlement
Yellow pages fax scam emerges in Australia
What are the most used fax numbers?
Fax case could be headed to the supreme court
Voice to text translation service makes fax poetry
With a small office and a fax machine, even you can claim to lead a rebel army
The best way to contact the post office? fax
IRS warning on fax & email scams directed at tax filers
City council member faces state ethics charge over e-mails
Windows XP still the dominant OS, Vista & 7 support extended to 2017 and 2020
Vacation season brings travel scams
27 junk faxes could cost $432,000
Wells Fargo wires scammer $2.1 million (or, why you should never post signatures on a website)
Fax security – website to unsubscribe from is really an attack website
J2 Global acquires Australia’s Zintel Communications
Xerox announces winter printer sale
Xerox and McAffe partner on printer, fax, and MFP security
Win a cruise contest over a fax machine? probably not…
Best way to get a birthday card from the president? fax
Philadelphia lawmakers offering plans to let citizens contest parking tickets by fax
Confidential health records accidentally sent to Lely, Florida couple releases iPhone faxing application
eFax passes 10,000 customer mark in Japan
Is your paperless office creating more paper?
Canon picks up 7 Buyers Laboratory LLC Winter “Pick” Awards
Gentle reminder: faxes are generally considered “received” communication
J2 Global acquires Zimo Communications Ltd. (Numberstore)
J2 Global reports Q4 and 2011 year end earnings, increases quarterly dividend
Manufacturer Ricoh sees jobs go
J2 Global acquires Landslide Technologies, Inc.
HP recalls 1040 and 1050 fax machines due to fire hazard
Fax a necessary communication tool for startups and other businesses
Hardcopy fax still relevant in Elizabethton, other communities
“Next Generation” technology integrating “last generation” technology
3D Fax – Binary Files over Fascimile and the Michelangelo Project
Fax Demodulator – Intercept Fax Signals
Group 4 Compression – ITU-T T.6
HF Fax – High Frequency Fax (Radiofax)
Radiofax (also known as Weatherfax or HF Fax)